Saturday, July 31, 2021


 Hi my name is Malia today me and my netball team had a game when our coach Whaea Sam got there we had one game then we did a warm up then after our warm ups we had a game of attack and defends  game.

After Whaea Sam said three special guess were coming after some of us had a guess and then none of us got it right then she told us who was coming and the people she was talking about was Whaea Sarah,Turd and her fiance then it was time to go and play.

First thing we did was got our bibs on then we did our cheers witch was Wesley on three one two three Wesley then we all went to the spot of our defender and for my position I played GK and then it was time for our first half .

Then on our first half we started with the ball then some people accidentally did contact and stand down then we got a score in then it was the other teams ball then after some people fell down like me but it okay then it was time for our second half after our second half we had our third  and then our forth and our final game then after our game it was time for player of the day.

then after the game me and my cousin went and got something to eat then after we ate we went to the park to play and congrats Yonwady on player of the day. 




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi im Millie i like netball but im not that good at it. your work is really good but next time maybe add some more full stops

  3. Hi malia what a nice story keep up the good work.


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